PLEASE COMMENT: We Will When We Believe Part 1 of 3
Jul 05, 2022
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All Categories ability accept accepting accommodate accommodations act actions adhd adult adulting anchored anger answer anxious area art autism autistic autistic adults autisticadults autisticgraduates bathroom beat bell bell shaped curve book brain brooke castillo called category caveman certainty challenges chest child clearer coach compassion confidence consult consulted continuously create creates cried cuts daughter dearest decide desire desires develop difficulties discomfort domains efforting emotion emotional emotions empathize encourage energy equation executive functioning skills expert interview explains fact facts fear feel feeling figure gain gap give giving goal goals grateful happening harder heightened state helping high school graduate high school graduates imperfectly important increaseautisticindependence incremental steps journaling kids kindness kinds knot learn learned learners learning life listen live logical consequences love loved ones low arousal map matter metacognition mind minutes miracle mistakes mom motivation night notes notice number other person's perspective outsmart pain parent parents part partner people perform person physical plan practice practices predictability problem process progress quadrant quadrants question recognize record reflect regret regretful reinforce resistance responsive result roadmap role scary screen screens self advocacy situation skill skills solution solutions solve space spoons steps strategic suffer suggest suggestions suggests system talk teach thinking thought thoughts tool triggered triggers uncomfortable understand unshakable confidence unsolved problem virtues wanting words work write wrong young adult young adults