#36 | Inspirational Post

Mar 01, 2022

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Hey everyone, it's Lynn, your adulting coach. I help autistic young adults and their families systemize adulting together.

Today's video is actually an inspiration video. I love the post that Katie Webber posted at the parents of adults with Asperger's page, I hope she won't mind me sharing some of her thoughts here.

She describes the situation as feeling truly hopeless in recent years. She has a 20 year old son with Asperger's. "He was angry at everything I said."

His future truly terrified her. "I couldn't figure out what it was that needed to change. And I grieved for the child I wanted. I searched for pages like the one she's on to find answers, which were few and far between. I was truly lost."

Fast forward to last week. She said, "I read a very old book by Dale Carnegie, written in 1936 about how to interact with others." This book, HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE.

I'm sure we've all heard of it. She also read a more recent book, THE ADVICE TRAP.

These were two books that she thought she needed the least. "They helped me reach an epiphany of sorts."

Don't you love that? A moment of clarity on her parenting turning. Bottom line is the thoughts are powerful.

She says, "I realized that it was my own thought process. That was the problem. Everything I did or said was driven entirely by my own fears," created by her thoughts rather than the situation.

"It's no wonder his fingernails for two chewed down past the nubs. I started putting what I learned into practice and began to talk to him differently," and I think she did some listening as well.

"Everything. Changed. Instantly."

So, so good. "My son and I had a three hour conversation that was more positive, productive, and in enlightening that all of our past conversations put together. I discovered things about him that I was completely closed off to before and it truly gave me the hope that I was seeking. Allow me to suggest that if you are like me, and you've been struggling to figure out what route problem needs to be solved, perhaps an inward reflection will help. The books inspired me to change. If you're not a person perhaps there is another source of inspiration that will work for you. Either way, I hope you will keep trying to find it. And if you do find it, she says and helps you. I hope you will save my contact information and message me to tell me about it. I'd love to hear your story."

"Thanks for reading such a lengthy post."

She concludes by saying, "Stay strong. You got this."

We've all got it. We've all got all the wisdom we need inside of us to solve this problem. We just might need a little help and inspiration along the way.

So please find me at lynncdavison.com/welcome.

Take the time to join our the Art of Adulting program. I can help you with coaching with a course and with a community the gets what we need to do.

It will give you all the hope you need to create a life you love together.

Bye for now.