When I ask my young adults what they want in their lives, the answer I get most often is, “I don’t know.”

Dec 11, 2019

Watch the webclass, "4-Part Roadmap to Encourage Adulting Actions."

Get the Preview of the workbook, When Autism Grows Up by Lynn C Davison, Adulting Coach, Available in Fall 2022.

Download, "The Quick Start Guide to STEAR Mapping"


I'm pretty sure this isn't true.

Most of us do know what we want but we're afraid to say it.

We hesitate because we think we shouldn’t want it, we don’t believe we can have it or we think we don’t deserve it.

But wanting is a natural part of how our homo sapien brain works.

We have a unique evolutionary advantage over other animals. We have imagination and a sense of time.

Only humans can look beyond the needs of the present, anticipate future needs and take action to get them.

We have hope.

Our hopeful stories of the future trigger emotions in us and inspire actions.

Hope helps shape our lives.

Hope is how we use our imaginations to exercise control over our lives.

Our prefrontal cortex attaches us to the future through a goal that matters to us. It finds evidence that the goal is possible.

It rounds up resources and support to address the challenges we anticipate.

Our brain grows as we push through adversity while we make our dreams come true.

When we walk the path toward our dreams, we nurture hope in ourselves and others plus make the contributions we are meant to make in this life.

What do you want? What does your autistic young adult want?

Don’t be afraid to want.

Nurture your desires, know what you want, and then go get it.

Creating a Life GPS is the best way to get it done.

Join The Art of Adulting and we will get it done.