#60 | All the Federal Benefits and Some of the State-Level Benefits Explained

May 03, 2022

Watch the webclass, "4-Part Roadmap to Encourage Adulting Actions."

Get the Preview of the workbook, When Autism Grows Up by Lynn C Davison, Adulting Coach, Available in Fall 2022.

Download, "The Quick Start Guide to STEAR Mapping"


Get the PDF of the Transcript Here

Have you ever had anyone explain all of the federal benefits and some of the possible state level benefits that can help our autistic young adults live independently in our communities? I hadn't.

I hired James to help our family put together a financial foundation for our young adults in case something happened to us in the next five years.

And then I found this jewel on YouTube. It's James, just this March, going over all the possible benefits available to our children and answering questions from people who lived in New York State, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. And Connecticut. It's an hour and a half explanation of everything you've ever wanted to know, especially if you live in the Northeast. But the federal benefit information applies to everyone in the United States.

I took the time to transcribe it and highlighted the issues that I thought you and I would be most interested in plus bulleted out the questions that James fielded during this discussion. It's an hour and a half video.

So if you don't have the time to watch it, you can scan the transcript. I'm making this available just to the people who are in my Facebook group, my members and the folks that are on my email list.

Please take the time to download this PDF. I believe you will find it incredibly valuable. You can't find this information anywhere else. I've never had a teacher or a social worker or a care provider explain everything in one place like James does.

Then, if you get a chance to review that PDF before our q&a on Friday, March 6th at 10am. Eastern time,  you'll have some great questions to ask James during our webinar.

Please join us there and download that PDF. I know you'll find it incredibly valuable.

Bye for now.