Canadian Resources for Spectrum Children and Young Adults
Nov 10, 2022Here is a response from Carol to a parent looking for resources for their 18-year-old spectrum child.
My name is Carol Sinnaeve. I work alongside Lynn as an Adulting Coach, and I live in Northern Ontario, Canada.
I understand you live in BC and are seeking help with health, education, and revenue Canada for your autistic son, whom I believe is a young adult now.
Regarding Revenue Canada, it has a Disability Tax Credit (DTC) your son may be eligible for. For more information on what it is, his eligibility and how to apply, go to the following website:
The Government of Canada also offers disability benefits. You can go to this website,, to get more information on the following three services they offer to individuals with disabilities:
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits: a taxable benefit your son may be eligible for if he is unable to work because of a disability
- Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP): a long-term savings plan to help people with disabilities, who are approved for the DTC, save for the future (the government may also help by contributing grants & bonds to the plan)
- Child Disability Benefit (CDB): a tax-free monthly payment made to families who care for a child under age 18 with a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions. (I believe the CDB is also paid to families with a child aged between 18 and 25 who attends school full-time, but you’ll need to confirm that)
As you are probably aware, health and education are services offered at the provincial level. To explore the programs, services and supports offered for each, go to the following BC government websites.
- BC Health:
- BC Education & Training:
Autism-specific programs are available to BC residents as well.
- AutismBC ( is a non-profit organization that offers programs, resources & events that support and connect the autism community in BC.
- ACT – Autism Community Training ( is an organization that provides programs, information & resources to children and adults with ASD and their families.
Under their B.C. Resources tab, I found the following programs and resources that might be of interest to you:
- Autism Manual for B.C.: ACT’s Guide for Living & Working with Children and Adults with ASD
- Transition to Adulthood for Individuals with Autism: resources to help young people with autism prepare for employment or higher education
- Opportunities for Individuals with ASD-Post-Secondary: programs and resources available to B.C. post-secondary students with ASD and related disabilities
Some of their videos I found that might also be of interest to you are the following:
- “Taking Control of the Future: Planning for Families with Special Needs”
- “A Review of Emerging Considerations for Vocational Support in ASD: Challenges & Opportunities”
- “Navigating Puberty, Adolescence and Beyond: Supporting Individuals with Neuro-Developmental Challenges”
- “Emergency Services, Hospitalizations and Mental Health Care for Adolescents and Adults with ASD”
- “Education, Integration, Inclusion: Key Information for Parents of Children with Special Needs”
- “Transitioning from High School to Work: Preparing Students with Autism for Adulthood”
I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out